Home > Past Events > February 7, 2019

Not One More made presentations to three different groups with three different groups of concerns within our communities.

1.Pat Montoya was a guest speaker with the Simi Valley Sunset Rotary as we discussed Substance Use Disorders and the effects on our community.  The effects to our children and uses of different areas of substance abuse. Parental oversight of what our children can possibly be using and the choices in their lives affecting their lives.

2. Pat Montoya spoke with the 60 staff members of “Many Mansions” as we discussed the effects of opioids, legal prescription drugs as well as gateways and the health care industry in their area of health care.
We spoke on the use of Narcan and integrating into their facilities as well as the subject of harm reduction with many families dealing with all types of substance use .

3. Not One More at Channel Islands University, I was a guest speaker along with Tom Hilton at the” Child, Family and Community in California in the 21st Century” class with Dr. Tim Rummel Lecturer, Educational Leadership/Masters Program Coordinator.
We discussed the importance of families and the children of the family’s as they develop into young adults with choices and paths that can potentially lead into substance use disorders.

We discussed the importance of being on their campuses with peer to peer support, in bringing awareness and education to help save lives.

Not One More getting into our communities to openly share and discuss drug issues with educational, awareness and support for our communities, many topics were discussed with all the groups.