This evening Not One More and company was at the Ventura County Juvenile probation dept. We can change a life .
Tonight we had special guest’s Oxnard Police officers Mike K and Hannah, talked about there experiences on the street, The od investigations and the heartbreak of knocking on the doors to notify parents of their children a nightmare on both ends of the spectrum .
He wants to prevent and educate the community be a part of the solution, one of his messages was that he told these kids that he loves them and he cares about them and to love themselves .
– Aliza Thomas share with the group about addiction, recovery and the road back from addiction to create a new life .
– A parents perspective of active SUDs within the household and the effects to the family.
– Darian O’Brien with her share on a mother’s heartache of loss and love for her son and the effects to the family .
We showed “Rewind” documentary
Discussion topics :
Street drug’s
Prescription drugs
Law enforcement perspectives
Family addiction
NARCAN training education – NO-OD program.
We discussed Underlying causes for self medicating
Which include
Mental health disorders
Peer pressures
“Fitting in”
Medical issues
Internet and cyber abuse
To name a few.
This was One of our most impactful and informative classes with parents and the students participating in the conversation, very emotional. We asked at the end for the kids to hug their parents and to be the change in their lives.